DEM 313-Equality, Diversity and inclusion in Dementia Care Practice

DEM 313-Equality, Diversity and inclusion in Dementia Care Practice.This unit is aimed at those who provide care or support to individuals with dementia in a wide range of settings. The unit covers the concepts of equality, diversity and inclusion, which are fundamental to person centred approach.




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Learning outcome

1.1 Explain why it is important to recognise and respect an individual’s heritage


1.2 Compare the experience of dementia for an individual who has acquired it as   an older person with the experience of an individual who has acquired it as a younger person


1.3 Describe how the experience of dementia may be different for individuals

•          who have a learning disability

•          who are from different ethnic backgrounds

•          who are at the end of life


1.4 Describe how the experience of an individual’s dementia may impact on carers



2.1 Describe how current legislation, government policy and agreed ways of working support inclusive practice for dementia care and support


2.2 Describe the ways in which an individual with dementia may be subjected to discrimination and oppression


2.3 Explain the potential impact of discrimination on an individual with dementia


2.4 Analyse how diversity, equality and inclusion are addressed in dementia care and support


3.1 Demonstrate how to identify an individual’s uniqueness


3.2  Demonstrate how to use life experiences and circumstances of an individual who has dementia to ensure their inclusion


3.3 Demonstrate practical ways of helping an individual with dementia to maintain their dignity


3.4 Demonstrate how to engage and include an individual with dementia in daily life



4.1 Work with others to promote diversity and equality for individuals with dementia


4.2 Demonstrate how to share the individual’s preferences and interests with others


4.3 Explain how to challenge discrimination and oppressive practice of others when working with an individual with dementia

his unit is aimed at those who provide care or support to individuals with dementia in a wide range of settings.  The unit covers the concepts of equality, diversity and inclusion, which are fundamental to person centred approach.

Units need to be assessed in line with the Skills for Care and Development QCF Assessment Principles



Other Units

Unit 57 (HSC 3001)-Contribute to Raising Awareness of Health Issues

Unit 59  HSC 3003- Provide Support to Maintain and Develop Skills for Everyday Life

Unit 68 (HSC 3020)- Facilitate Person-centred Assessment, planning, implementation and Review


DEM 313-Equality, Diversity and inclusion in Dementia Care Practice